Sunday, November 30, 2008

With friends like these...

This spectacular Sunday morning, lets nail someone else up who hinders progressive life-saving efforts in Columbus. 

"Chihuahua pups-teacup sire- CKC- $300-350"
"Dalmations- AKC- Need to sell- $250!!"
"Golden Retriever pups- Ready for Christmas!"
"Berlin Pets- We have all small breed puppies!"
" Yorkies, Bichons, Yorkichons!"

These are all proudly advertised by our community's largest newspaper, the Columbus Dispatch. There are 9 ads for labradors and lab mixes. How many labs and lab mixes do you think are waiting for homes at the Franklin County Dog Shelter each week?

So Rita Wolfe of Dispatch Printing Company and of the board of Capital Area Humane Society, business is business, and we're not going to ask you to send these backyard breeders packing. But why you don't donate the massive block of space that sits directly next to the line-item puppies for sale currently dedicated to Dispatch run to promoting rescue pets? Why don't you donate line-item space to shelters, foster groups and breed specific rescues? If Rita Wolfe cares enough about homeless animals to be part of a board who will make life and death policy for them, why can't she care enough to advocate for some progressive changes at the Dispatch? There is a public service announcement at the very bottom of the line-item puppy ads that talks about being careful about where you buy your pet, but I kid you not, it is black ink against a blue background that is at best difficult to read and at worst encourages glazing right over. It says nothing about rescuing animals.

With friends like these who needs Petland? 


Anonymous said...

Are you kidding me? The little clause right above this box says this is for discussion on the CAHS ONLY-Positive or negative. I have posted positive comments on CAHS and they have not yet shown up.
Now you are attacking The Dispatch.
Which is it? I am beginning to think that you just want everyone else to be responsible and fix the problem with to many unwanted animals.
No one owes you one thing. Take all the energy and time you have put into this blog and save a life. Create a free web sight to allow those that need to post a stray that has been altered and is a homeless animal be adopted. It is frustrating to wade through the garbage on CL also Petfinder says they promote spay/neutered but please take a good hard look at the animals coming out of Pike County and flooding our community. I can only find a few that have been altered and the rest are just be handed out. Go after Pike County, Licking County and others that are just adding to the problem and Franklin County Community gets to clean up month after month.
Go out and get some the animal supply businesses to open up space for all rescues not just those lying about their 501c3 to bring in rescues but make sure they insist on seeing the vet records so that the rescue can't lie about the health of the animals.

Anonymous said...

I see you are beginning to understand that this problem is not that of CAHS but all that live and work here.
How about not nailing anyone up and truly working hard to find away to fix it and stop those that treat animals as disposable property?
How about laws that license cats and makes the owners accountable for them, how about stricter breeding laws on all animals, how about taxing those that use animals for profit? You may think that can't be done but if you are required to license your pet, lets show proof of where it came from. Eventually breeders would be identified. Why not tougher housing laws for the animals. Do you know that wild animals have housing standards but domestic animals do not? If you can enforce standards for ownership of a wild animals, you can do it for a domestic. It may take some time and money but if we really want the neglect and abuse to stop we have to start somewhere.
How about those that claim to be rescue groups being forced to maintain a standard of care for the animals and document records? Please, don't think for a minute that is already the case, it is not. How about those same rescurers being force to open inspection for their housing facility so they can be subject to ridicuel when not maintaining the standard?
Just some ideas that need address to really begin making a difference in animal rescue.

RASCAL Meagan said...

Hi everyone this is Meagan from RASCAL. I was just at Capital Area Humane Society and there were a bunch of empty cages, but honestly, I think Jodi and everyone's hands are tied as that building just isn't set up for animal sheltering. Even if they filled all of the empty cages they still don't have a lot of adoption floor space. RASCAL is building a new hospital to open in Dublin September 2009 and we are going to have a bunch of extra space. Maybe we can partner? I'm originally from Chicago and the big group there, PAWS, has lots of small adoption centers because of the cost of real estate in the city. Maybe this is one way CAHS can expand it's adoption capabilities while leaving the executive space it needs to process paperwork, have meetings, etc...

RASCAL works closely with Capital Area Humane Society on their Advocat program and they hand out our cards all the time. We actually get lots of people who bring their pet to us for spay/neuter or after getting information from them. We took a tumor off this one dog they referred who still come to us to for vet care for their dogs. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am a past CAHS volunteer. I have watched the shelter take a nose dive in the last few years and it is heartbreaking. I sent an email to the president of the board with documented concerns and examples of poor animal care. He in turn replied that they are doing wonderful work. He did not however address any of my concerns with plans or solutions. Nor did he deny the happenings.
Now a foster for another rescue (no kill mind you) I would welcome anyone to my house at any given time. No notice necessary.(unlike last year when the Northwest news contacted Jodi on Thursday to do a visit and investigate. They were told that they would have to wait until the following week as she was too BUSY-getting her house in order)
My animals are all vetted,vaccinated,tested and I have records from vet offices to prove it. If they are sick they receive immediate care--again I have vet records to prove it. I dont have a vet at my house nor do I have kennel workers to empty and disinfect the animal areas-if they really do it(as does CAHS). I am sure that my animals receive care in a more timely manner than those often do both at the shelter and in their foster program. The litter boxes are cleaned three times a day (which is far more than at CAHS)and fed twice a day (except the kittens who have open food at all times). Everyone has plenty of fresh water and comfortable beds to sleep on. They all attend adoption events and I can let the possible adopters know of the good and bad about them.
I have adopted well over 100 cats and kittens from my home in the last year--with no returns.
We rescue groups must be doing something right.

CapitalWatch said...

That "truly working hard to find a way to fix it and stop those who treat animals like disposable property" cracks us up for two reasons:

1. Maybe we do work hard. This person doesn't know.
2. The way that Capital kills everything does more to foster the disposable mentality than anybody. Then they have the nerve to point at the evil, horrible, worthless, irresponsible public. These are the very people from who they then ask for money and adoptions!

Its like a person who has a car repair shop then when people bring him broken cars to fix he's like "OH MY GOD WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE BETTER CARE OF YOUR CAR BECAUSE NOW IT'S STALLED OUT AND YOU EXPECT ME TO FIX IT? WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU??"

Jodi- if you don't want to be in the business of adopting out animals GET OUT OF IT. We don't want you there either!!

Anonymous said...

In all seriousness ... good for the foster parent that has adopted over 100 animals from her home in the past year. It is hard work ... costly, time consuming, and expensive with little or no thanks. So, here is a genuine "thanks" from all of us animal-lovers.

But try to take in 100 per day. Some that are sick. Some that are diseased. Some that have been beated or burned or starved. Some that have puss dripping from their eyes. Some that have so many fleas their skin is literally crawling.

Then try to deal with employee issues. And political issues. And issues dealing with how to handle aggressive dogs. And monetary issues. And sick animal issues. And animals who have been inhumanely treated by their owners. And dog fight issues. And feeding issues. And health care issues. And, of course, volunteers who think they can run the place better than you can issues.

Anonymous said...

So lets see. You say try 100 a day. With the millions of dollars in funding,on site vet care,state of the art medical facility, a large board member following,kennel staff and prisoners to do animal care and the high paid staff to cover each department I would hope that CAHS could do so much better and stop the killing of so many innocent animals. At least start telling the truth about what goes on behind the closed doors.
Maybe the volunteers could do a better job. It would be difficult to do worse.

Anonymous said...

get your facts right! the majority of the staff, including managers, make very little money. they are all there because they care! last i checked, 8.25/hr. isn't considered high pay.

CapitalWatch said...

This person who is making 8.25 per hour at Capital maybe can ask Rachel Finney why she makes $90,000a year and doesn't have to clean any cages.