Monday, November 17, 2008

No right way to do the wrong thing.

Jodi this is for you. We're connecting some dots here, so pay attention. 

Recently, thanks to the awesome No Kill Blog by Nathan Winograd, we have learned that Wayne Pacelle of the Humane Society of the United States stated that killing animals in shelters today is "needless" and that "pet overpopulation is more myth than fact". 

Here are some of the most important points made by HSUS, shamelessly stolen from The No Kill Blog:

  • "By increasing the number of people who obtain their pets through adoption, by just a few percentage points, we can solve the problem of euthanasia of healthy and treatable dogs and cats"
  • "The needless loss of life is deplored by the American public. People deeply love their dogs and cats and feel that killing pets who are homeless through no fault of their own is a problem that we must work harder to prevent. They want animals to have a second chance at life, not death by injection."
  • "The needless killing of animals by animal shelters and animal control agencies comes at an enormous economic and moral cost."
OK sufficiently satisfied that HSUS is calling for you to stop sitting back and letting 85 % of cats die for no reason at your shelter? Follow the dots...

The Capital Area Humane Society is apparently a member of the "Humane Federation" (well it's right there on your website!), which seems to be a lobbyist group. This lobbyist group boasts none other than Wayne Pacelle on it's 2007-2008 board member list. 

By the way why are you so eager to "collaborate" with groups around the country but not right here in Central Ohio? Personal advancement perhaps? But I digress.

Wayne Pacelle says that needless killing in shelters is deplorable and you are killing at a rate that would make even the most backwards critter control blush. That 2009 meeting might prove to be quite interesting. Unless you lie, which you might, and really- who would know?

Only us stupids here in Columbus.

By the way, you might look a the "Code of Ethics" put forth on the Humane Federation's website- the first value is "Integrity" and states "We pursue our mission with honor, fairness, and respect for animals, individuals, and organizations, mindful that there is no right way to do the wrong thing." No right way to do the wrong thing.  And this is an organization you committed to with a straight face?

How many other organizations listed in that member list do you think have a website and blog dedicated to their resignation and calling for the reorganization of their shelter? Do you think it might be interesting to find out?

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