Friday, November 28, 2008


We've been getting some complaints from people that this blog is "one sided". We implore our readership to please send us proof that things aren't as bad as people think. If you can send us information about where the 75,000 dollars went that they received, what goals are in place to reduce euthanasia rates, or ANYTHING please send it our way.  We are listening and want to grasp at anything good about that place so we can sleep nights. 

Also, lets address the "poll" 3 days before it is going to close. The last option is "85% euthanasia rate is the best we can do in Central Ohio", not "I disagree with this blog!" There is even an option above it that says "No, but the board should give her specific goals if she stays on". Only 3% of people as of today have supported that option. For everyone that's checking the last option why don't you give poor Jodi Lytle Buckman a job managing YOUR business? (Oh yes, you know you want a six-figure employee with no accountability, lies about productivity, mid-week all day shopping trips, and wasting staff time with meetings about nothing) 

Ok, first of all, that's just sad that some people are really making an effort to go vote at multiple computers for THAT. In fact, stellar Central Ohio Capital Area Supporters, sympathies are coming to our inbox from around the country. Like this one from Paige in North Carolina-

"...I am writing in response to your webpage explaining the unnecessary euthanasia of surrendered pets in the Columbus area. I am so horrified that the community thinks you can do no better than killing 85% of cats at the shelter... As someone who does not live in Ohio, I'm not sure how I can help... can you please tell me what the best course of action would be to support your cause?"  

There is a blog below that says it has 5 comments, only 1 of which shows up. We decided to remove the others after originally deciding to post them because it was really becoming an unproductive tit-for-tat. 

The most telling thing about this poll is, of course, that we got their attention.  


Anonymous said...

Maybe those choosing the last option are telling you "I disagree with your blog". Maybe they have been sending you facts but you are just posting what you choose because after all, it is your blog. Are you posting everything that is coming in-postivie or negative? Some people can think for themselves and no that this is a one-sided blog and your misleading poll is the only way they can have a voice.

Anonymous said...

Applause! Applause! I would have liked to vote but none of the options are accurate and without the one sided opinion of the blog-nazi. No Comment for YOU!

Anonymous said...

I am confused.
How by choosing to agree that an 85% kill rate is telling the blog owner that you dont agree with the blog??
I hve read several for CAHS comments on here.
Hummmm-positive (postivie?)
and know (no??)
There are so many ways to decrease the overpopulation and increase adoptions but it takes work. CAHS doesnt want to do any work just ask for money so that they can be "out of the red and in the black."

Anonymous said...

Nope, not one sided at all. This is like my 4th or 5th comment that is PRO CAHS that has NOT been posted.

Hmmmmm. Afraid of the truth, are we?