Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What was that about alienating supporters?

We couldn't have set it up any better...

So to illustrate how Capital Area Humane Society chases all of it's volunteers away who voice concerns- A Capital supporter on the blog post just before this one identified someone named "Gail" who apparently said something about all the new office furniture the executives got for themselves while animals continue to die by the dozens. We quote exactly...

"Gail, why don't you just quit and stop criticizing the donated office furniture?"

We wondered, "Who is Gail?" Well we found out that she is a Capital Area volunteer who was featured in the Columbus Dipatch as "giving a [Capital Area Humane Society] dog some loving...".

Yes Gail, please quit. Even though you are a loyal volunteer and give dogs love, we don't need anyone criticizing office furniture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are we sure the furniture was "donated"?