Someone e-mailed us a summary of a recent exchange about Capital Area that took place on the Columbus Craigslist Pet Board:
Response: Hello! I believe we have found your white cat. On Monday my boyfriend found a white cat was just crying by his condo at 225 North 4th Street... We contacted the Capitol Area Humane Society and they took her in that evening.
Subsequent post: I sure hope that her owners are able to get her back before CAHS kills her!!! I know you were only trying to do the best you could, but that would be the LAST place I would take an animal. She'd probably have been safer on the streets.
Subsequent post: I too hope that the poor cat is still alive. I realize that you were trying to do a good thing. If you see a cat one time chances are very good that it is owned. Good to put out food and water but leave it alone if you cant take it inside to locate the home. Few cats make it out of CAHS alive. They are in rooms in small dirty cages until it is determined if they are "adoptable" by their perfect standard. Few are perfect in a strange place with stangers and barking dogs. CAHS does NOT check the lost and found or petfbi. They dont even check for microchips until they are ready to kill the animal. Hoping this little one is safe back with its owner.
Subsequent post: If this cat was taken to Capital Area Humane Society, print out the Craiglsit posting and take it with you to their facility to prove that the cat is there. The staff WILL NOT be helpful in getting your cat out if they have it- you have to prove that it was taken there recently!! You need to go there today because chances are the cat will be killed shortly if it hasn't been killed already. Please, if anyone finds animals that they think might be a pet, do NOT take them to the humane society in Hilliard on Scioto Darby Executive Road. They routinely kill animals that have collars, microchips, are declawed, spayed/neutered, and otherwise show obvious signs that they have an owner. Very few animals make it out of there alive.
Subsequent post: The little white kitten is safe at home. She escaped her home through the patio. She is deaf and probably very frightened. Thanks to the people finding her (but taking her to cahs might have cost her her life). She was only outside a few hours. The owner did all of the right things. Posted signs,placed an ad on petfbi and the kitten was microchipped. How do I know these things??? I am the original foster mom of the kitten. We microchip everyone prior to adoption. This we felt would get them safely home if lost. My question is why was she not checked for a microchip when arriving at the shelter? Because no one wanted to take the time to check her. When asked at the shelter why she wasnt scanned the response was "it was late." I would lose my job if my answer to not doing it was that it was late. (or we were busy or whatever. It is their job-do it) This was well over 24 hours ago. The owner spent a sleepless night,the kitten was stressed and subjected to other non vaccinated animals. Why? Yes she escaped the house-she is a cat. The staff at CAHS did not do anything to help this little girl find her way home. Our rescue has been banned from saving lives of animals at CAHS as we do not believe that they do wonderful work as they brag. We pulled over 60 cats from there last year not to mention the dogs lives that we saved and placed in homes. I dont believe they are doing wonderful work because they are not. This is only one of many examples. I was told by a board member "No we are not perfect". Little Cottonballs life counted on them not to be perfect but to do their job. No one is perfect but we will admit when we are wrong. They dont but continue to lie to the public.
Thanks for sending us the posts! Their lost and found program apparently scares the crap out of everyone.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
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Where do you get your information? Do you work in their euthanasia room? Do you see them working with people and their lost pets? Are you inside the shelter, watching how things are run?
Because I've got to say, this sounds like hearsay. There's no proof. Craigslist posting? Sure, why not! I'll cite that in my next term paper, right along with Wikipedia! Why don't you post anything that actually backs up your story?
(Also...I don't think an entire room of cats was euthanized because "they may break with upper respiratory infection". If that were true, how come half of the cats on their floor are sneezing?)
Hearsay you say? No proof? One sided?
While you are laughing at craigslist laugh at the Columbus Dispatch and their incomplete articles and the following of the Franklin county dog shelter.
Craigslist has alot more truth in it than the daily paper most of the time. The difference is the Dispatch is one sided and will shut out any comments that they dont agree with.
As for the question: are you inside the shelter watching how things are run? The pictures of the empty cages show clearly that this person IS in the shelter doesnt it?
I am increasingly amazed at the things that are occuring right under some volunteers noises at Capital(killing healthy animals, empty cages, misuse of donated items, lying to the public, inflated salaries, etc. etc, etc.) How can these volunteerse put their heads in the sand and disregard the obvious mismanagement of this organization? How in the world can you think this is ok?
Again and again I continue to be amazed at the total lack of anything resembling Humanity going on in this place.
As I read posts from people who say it's such a bad thing to criticize CAHS, I am saddened by the fact that those people have such misguided loyalties. Those loyalties are obviously not to the animals, but to the PR machine at's a clear case of a few people who drank the kool-aid. When those people are confronted with facts and numbers that don't support their loyalty to Jodi, then they attack people here for exposing the truth.
Note to the people who drank the kool-aid: Grow up and open your eyes. The people posting on this site are people who are ALL doing their part to help save the animals. Nobody here is sitting on their ass. We're all making a difference by exposing the slaughterhouse for what it is as so many people write checks to them having no idea how that money is used for anything BUT saving animals. The way to get that out to the public is to continue the movement and continue the dialogue. And in our spare time we're all saving animals, many of us reaching into our pockets and doing without things so these little ones can have food and a chance to have a good life.
This falls into the category of "free speech" and is what continues to help this country become a better place. So you keep drinking the koolaide, but the rest of us are going to continue this dialogue until the slaughterhouse people are replaced with people who spend their time and effort and donations to HELP the animals. Solid cherry desks and signs in the front yard forbidding dogs on the grass are such obvious signs of "it's all about ME." And I didn't have to get a degree in psychology to figure that one out...
Simply put, trashing another animal welfare organization doesn't save lives. I think free speech is definitely important and this blog is nothing but negative energy.
Saving lives is important. It's so odd that there are so many negative comments about the ONLY organization in central ohio commissioned to combat animal cruelty. Next you will probably say that the humane agents come in every day and hope to find animals that they can bring back to be put to sleep.
Saying that people 'drank the Kool-aid' is disrespectful to human beings. Not to mention, if they really 'drank' the Kool-aid they would be dead. Get your facts right.
Please continue to focus on saving lives. I commend that. I only wish you would try to work for the cause, instead of against it.
You poor midguided person...I see you drank a little more Kool-aide than most of the other lemmings falling off of the cliff because Jodi said it's a "good thing we're doing here"...yeah, right...
you say "trashing another animal welfare organization doesn't save lives...saying that people drank the Kool-aide is disrespectful to human beings..."
Let me address the kool-aide comment (sigh)'s an expression that says there are people who just roll along with something even though that "something" needs to be improved (you know, like lemmings)...but don't DARE criticize it because that would be wrong. The only ones who are DEAD are the little animals who didn't have a chance...the ones that are in plastic bags and never got a chance for adoption, but were killed in the back room while 75% of the cages sit empty during public hours (I personally counted the cages in the cat room)...yeah, they would be the only ones DEAD.
The ONLY way to make things better is to expose the underbelly for what it is....I repeat myself:
1. Jodi is in the wrong job. She is not handling the donations properly, plays Hitler tactics with volunteers, and demonstrates continuously that her agenda is not about the animals, but about image and hobnobbing. Requiring that volunteers sign an agreement that they can't discuss what goes on there with anyone...get real. That only confirms that there is MUCH to hide...and by the way...Hitler is dead, so Jodi...get over yourself. You don't now and will never be able to force your supposed "gag order" on people...they will talk and tell the truth, no matter what piece of paper you get them to sign...and good luck with that little flimsy document holding up in ANY court of law...but I digress...
2. After replacing the director, open up those doors, "ALL OF THEM", to the volunteers...there should be NOTHING to hide...and welcome the volunteers back...none of these gag order agreements...welcome their input. If the volunteer wants to save an animal marked to die, congratulate them for stepping up...throw a little "we saved another one" party in the hallway...make saving a life an EVENT...but treat the volunteers as the gold that they are. Those volunteers can make sure ALL of the cages are full with animals waiting for homes and ...add some cages in the's certainly big enough..and get rid of that insulting room with all of the overpriced crap in it...get some animals in that room...this is about saving lives, right? Then use every SF of that facility to SAVE LIVES...this is NOT rocket science.
3. No KILL...anybody listening?...NO KILL shelter. The money is there...sell the cherry desks, fire the landscapers and use volunteers to take care of the lawn (whatever you paid landscapers, you paid too ain't that nice), fix the ventilation system and pull all of those supplies out of the basement...share with the other shelters...pull up a few trailers into that fancy-smancy parking lot and start making some NOISE about being NO KILL...get some national press for being NO KILL....
Oh yeah...and the new director...get down in those cages with the animals...the ones nobody wants...spend the night...sleep with them to help them rehab. It worked out West and got alot of national exposure...learn from the successes of others and save some lives.
And to all of you lemmings out there who are still drinking the Kool-aide...wake up and smell the coffee at stinking up the place. We need a fresh pot, a fresh start...
why can't you just be happy that the cat was returned to its owner safe and sound? it could have easily been hit by a car downtown. oh, that's right. you think it would be better for the cat to maybe get run over by a car than for it to maybe be euthanized. i'd much rather get hit by a car!
get your facts straight! the kitten would have been scanned for a microchip during vaccination or if it was unfortunately back in the euthanasia room. yes, it should have been scanned right away, but many people make mistakes especially late at night. the cat would not have gone unscanned. quit scaring people into not helping!
The cat being returned to its home was NOT through the efforts of is clear they did not do their job very well. Scanning an animal should happen right away when they come in. That's really basic and really simple: Step 1 - Scan for microchip. Not only is that logical, it keeps costs down. If it's a matter of a phone call and a happy reunion, why on earth would that not be priority #1 in the intake process. They are known for not scanning animals until the have them in the death the is NOT an isolated's a pattern of behavior that keeps animals and their families apart longer than necessary and often results in animals being killed that only needed a quick phone call to get them back to their do I know this? I personally worked with a cat that was in the death room...ready to be killed...and, oh seems someone here has a microchip...yeah...minutes from death...totally preventable.
CAHS: Your process needs much work and the solutions are so simple and don't cost a dime. Scan these animals immediately when they hit your doors...period. How hard is this? And what do you gain by NOT doing this?
To the person who thinks we should just be happy the kitten got home...again (sigh)...put down the kool-aide and look at the bigger picture. These processes are flawed and animals are being needlessly killed every day at CAHS. So we should look the other way and let the slaughter continue? Not on your life. I'm an animal rights person and will always stand up for the ones who can't speak for themselves.
Every time an obvious abuse of animal rights is pointed out, some lemming steps up and says "oh stop being so negative...blah, blah, blah" Hey sweetie...there are people who believe the Holocost never a matter of fact the British have removed that information from the schools because it is too offensive." In effect, denying that it is part of history. Thank God, our president at the time demanded that all of the photgraphs possible be taken to document the horror...and he forced many people to see it with their own eyes, so the local germans would always know...would always remember what happened behind closed doors.
This is no's exactly the same. Killing and cover-ups. Only this time the locals are here in Columbus and the Hitler image is Jodi with her gag-order contracts for volunteers. And the victims are innocent little animals who can't break away from the grip of the person holding the needle to inject the poison into their little they can writhe in pain for 30 minutes and die a slow and horrific death...
It's Hitler tactics and it has to we will continue this fight and expose this operation for what it is until we shame this town into getting better people in place. You want a director? Hire me...I'll clean that place up in 30 days or less and for alot less money that $120,000. I'll have other shelters in there getting food and cages within 24 hours...yeah, hire me. Hire anyone who understands that animals deserve a chance. But let's get this management "team" YESTERDAY!
Sunday, June 28 a neighbor walking her dog saw a cat and decided since she had no collar she would pick her up and carry her 20 houses down the street and keep her in her home two days. Wednesday, July 1st at 2 pm the neighbor drove our beloved cat to the Capital Area Humane Society. We posted "LOST CAT" signs today, Sunday, July 5 and the neighbor called. The location she described she "found" the cat was our yard. We drove immediately to CAHS, but it was closed. We left three poster board signs with our cat's picture showing off her big green eyes and a note to please not kill her. It is now Sunday night. I've cried and prayed all night that tomorrow I'll pick her up and bring her safely home. I'll be there at 6 am. I know it’s been four days, but they were closed July 4, I hope they gave her three days and it is not too late. Our daughter is in Iraq and will be home in three months. When she asks how her aging pet is doing I hope I can tell her fine.
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