Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Big Picture

Here's a summary of a comment left on the previous blog:

"Trashing another animal welfare organization doesn't save lives...this blog is nothing but negative energy.... Saving lives is important...Please continue to focus on saving lives. I commend that. I only wish you would try to work for the cause, instead of against it."

(read the entire comment on the post below)

Ok, first of all, how can this person VIEW THE PHOTOS of stockpiles of supplies collecting dust in the basement of Capital and then dare to accuse us of working against the cause?? How many hungry dogs and cats does that person think can be fed with the food that they hoard? Here is how things happen with the supplies in their basement:

1. A company or store donates loads of food to Capital who readily and happily accepts it to maintain a good relationship with the company.

2. Because Capital has a contract with Science Diet, the food gets stored in the basement.

3. Capital, at some point, made a concious decision NOT to give groups in Columbus access to their resources, which include this free and unused food. This decision was made LONG before this website and blog were active.

4. The food sits in the basement for months, forgotten, until it expires.

5. Someone eventually cleans the basement, at which point the expired food is thrown away.

How is this senario working "for the cause"? Hoarding pet food is the SINGLE MOST SELFISH THING that the humane society can do! They have a contract with Hills where they get FREE FOOD for the animals in their shelter- when the other food comes in why is it not IMMEDIATELY delegated to a group to FEED HUNGRY, HOMELESS animals??

Secondly, it's time for a lesson on the big picture. Why does everyone think we still have such a HUGE number of homeless animals in this area? Why do people think that the instant a new rescue group forms, their foster homes or sheltering facilities are immediately full? Most importantly, why is it that nobody from Capital can answer why humane organizations around the country with BIGGER PROBLEMS to overcome and FEWER RESOURCES than Capital are already SAVING MORE LIVES than they are taking? People think that this blog is maintained by naive idealists who don't understand harsh realities... this could not be farther from the truth. Harsh realities in 21st century sheltering DO NOT include 85% euthanasia rates for cats while your executive staff makes 75,000, 90,000, 125,000 dollars a year. 85% euthanasia rates apply to municipal county facilities who have NO resources, NO support, and MINIMAL housing facilities, and then even barely.

As we have said many times before... if Capital Area cannot do the job that they are supposed to do as a "humane" organization then STOP taking money and STOP sucking up resources.

Calling out Capital Area Humane Society is the most productive thing that this community can do to save the lives of animals in Central Ohio. What people don't understand is that while CAHS continues to suck up all the resources for "rescue" while behaving like bloated, wasteful, top-heavy spoiled brats, all the other rescues can do in this community is spin their wheels. This makes it IMPOSSIBLE to make any progress. It doesn't matter how many animals are rescued, spayed or neutered, purchased at Petland, obtained on Freecycle.... ect. As long as CAHS continues to make excuses for their kill rate and tell themselves that their behavior is acceptable, no real progress will ever be made for the animals in Central Ohio. If we want to start really saving lives as a community, Capital Area Humane Society HAS to be a leader in the progressive shelter movement or else they have to GO AWAY. That's why Capital still kills 85% of cats that come through their doors while all the other cat shelters and rescue groups are always full.

How plainly can we say this... IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THIS WAY.

It WILL continue as people like this commenter continue to to defend the way that Capital does business as usual. This person must be chalked up to ignorance, as most supporters of CAHS, because they just don't know any better. At this point, we don't think Jodi herself knows how to do any better... she just doesn't know how run a progressive organization. Period. Honestly, we can not believe that she or anyone else in the organization dedicate their careers to saving lives and yet willfully kill healthy, adoptable, innocent cats, kittens, dogs, and puppies at a rate that would make the most commercial slaughterhouse blush.

Ignorance does not excuse their behavior. We wonder what it's going to take to reduce the orgy of slaughter behind their doors? Jodi doesn't even bother give us her goals for reducing euthanasia... yet she's always asking for more cash.


Anonymous said...

Again, I just say this - show me proof. Okay, you took pictures? Woohoo, who can't do that? Show me a dumpster full of expired food. Show me a letter from Jodi explaining why she won't share resources. You're not in their shelter, you're not doing the actual work - you may be an angry member of the public or even a volunteer, but WHEN have you ever had the responsibility of being the ONLY open admission cat shelter within a hundred miles? Seriously...if you haven't done it better, than what are you even talking about? I can complain about the president all freakin' day, but I guarantee he's doing a better job than I ever would.

And I'm sorry, but I just have trouble believing all these rumors. It never sounds like the whole story. It sounds like you heard a snippet of something and blew it out of proportion. It's like you're making things up because of some personal vendetta or something. Hey, Anonymous Blogger, what did Capital Area ever do to you? Seriously? Name a specific incident. Do you work with them? Does your rescue work with them? Please enlighten me, because your behavior on this site (blathering about why you hate Capital but offering no suggestions on how to actually change anything) makes me REALLY want to not support your rescue, and I frequently donate to many area rescues, INCLUDING Capital.

CapitalWatch said...

First let's say this to our friend:
OMG Seriously!?

Secondly, OK, we'll try to get pictures of Scott Baxter stabbing kittens with needles full of Fatal Plus for you. Would that, like, convince you? Like, seriously!

Anonymous said...

In response to the capital area supporter. I am confused as to why you are so critical of the anonymous responders when you do not feel as if you should leave your name.
You ask "have you ever been responsible for the only open shelter". It would be an easy task if you chose to do the CAHS thing of taking anything in with the intention of killing those not perfect. I would hope that someone with a 6 digit salary could do better.
You say rumors. You want proof. Pictures speak a thousand words. Supplies stacked to the ceiling while they beg for money and food,carriers torn down to save space while they continue to ask "so you want to leave the carrier when you dump your animal"?-fact.
The kitten that was lost spent almost 24 hours although she was microchipped because noone took the time to check her-fact.
You ask "what has cahs done to you personally?" This is not about me or anyone else sending in comments. It is about the killing needlessly of animals and the lies being told to the public. ie:we are doing wonderful work,our adoptions are up,we only kill the terribly sick or aggressive etc
Maybe you can get them to post the intake vs adopted statistics. While we hear them say "our numbers are increasing" you dont ever see true numbers.
Now to enlighten you on what I personally have tried to do to help. I submitted a protocal that Best friends of Utah used to clean and care for cats (they have a very small disease rate there and just as many if not more animals). I was told by Jodi "this is excellant,great idea blah blah but two years later the care of the cats has not changed.
I offered protocals for contamination control from animal to animal (basic handwashing to start and not the staff wears gloves although they dont change them from animal to animal). Again I was told "great idea,good thoughts it is do-able. Years later nothing has changed.
Several offered to set up a database for lost animals. Again it was do-able but never done.
Several offered to do work with rescues (many of us transport and have great relationships with different rescues already). We were told that they were "working on it and we were not needed."
This just touches the top of what we have tried to do to help. We have been constantly shut out.
I hope that maybe this has cleared up a few of your questions.
It is surely up to you if you want to continue to support CAHS knowing the truth about them.

Cindy M said...

My husband and I seen it myself as volunteer dog walkers. Shame on Capital Area. I tried to tell them but they don't listen to me or anyone with ideas.

Anonymous said...

The person who continues to say "show me proof" reminds me of the German public after Allied Forces had liberated the death camps at the end of World War II... they had been subjected to the Nazi propaganda machine for so long that they didn't believe when they were told what was going on in the concentration camps. Disbelievers were made to come in and bury the thousands of dead Jews.

Blackcat said...

Proof? O.k., how's this: When I was a volunteer, I took care of cats. One area I visited was the intake room. While in there one Friday filling empty water and food dishes, I found a beautiful, long-haired, petite black kitty who rubbed against my legs for attention. When I petted her, I felt that she was pregnant. As I was tending to her, some CAHS employees came into the room and I gleefully told them that she was pregnant and wasn't that great! They looked at each other then rushed over to feel her full belly. No one had caught that when she was brought in. They said she would have to be euthanized since she was pregnant. Of course, I was very surprised! To me, the thought of kittens was a positive thing. I went immediately to Scott and told him about the pregnant cat and what a wonderful personality she had. His reply (and I will NEVER forget this) was: "In my opinion, there are already too many kittens in the world." Since this was a Friday night, Scott said they would keep her until Monday to kill her. I came in Monday and she was in Medical, in a cage with her litter. She had her kittens over the weekend! I was so thrilled and of course, they were adorable! I was so glad they hadn't euthanized her! I came back Tuesday to see her again, but she was gone. The staff refused to talk to me about it. A volunteer leader called me and said the official word was that the mom was getting a cold, and if the babies caught it from her, they would starve to death because they wouldn't be able to nurse, and "you wouldn't want that to happen, would you?" I replied that if that was indeed the case (which is ridiculous), couldn't they at least have saved the mom and given her medication for the cold? Nope, they all had to go, although they never gave me a reason why at least mom couldn't be saved. A gorgeous, very sweet mommy and her litter - gone. I now volunteer for a no-kill rescue and have 20 cats in my home, from one month old to eight years, awaiting homes. I have lost some, usually tiny kittens without moms, but not before I did everything in my power to save them. Would you like more examples? I've got LOTS of examples.