Saturday, March 28, 2009

Invisible cats and dogs

I am convinced that Capital Area is marketing some kind of "invisible cat" or "invisible dog". Ha ha like those funny amusement park things that you can get.

Levity, in a moment that is so seriously sad.

Alright Jodi and Rachel, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS UP WITH THOSE EMPTY CAGES? Pictures taken just LAST SATURDAY show that 75% of the adoption floor cages are empty. And what is up with the e-mail to the volunteers about the dog walkers? I quote exactly an e-mail from the volunteer coordinator of Capital...

" I wanted to bring up the subject of too many Walkers and not enough dogs, which has been happening on weekends lately."

OK how about sending one of your 7 vans over to Franklin County and getting some of the 1,300 dogs before they were killed? Systematic euthanasia has been their policy since your buddy Barbara Carmen stomped their efforts into the ground. Check out the numbers at

Can you explain to the public why you have empty dog runs and too many walkers yet the dogs in your own county are dying by the hundreds??

Empty cages on the adoption floor have always been the most obvious indicator that Capital Area Humane Society is a collective failure. They have always tried to tell us "they're empty for cleaning" or "it's disease control". The thing is that these cages are ALWAYS EMPTY, every day, during open hours, or in the middle of a busy Saturday afternoon. The back is stacked with animals waiting to die while you continue to make excuses for your inadequacy as a humane organization.

What else is there to say? People who know the truth and walk through your adoption floor just shake their heads at the incompetence.


Anonymous said...

How dare you?

How are grown adults behind this blog, seriously? How do you have this much time on your hands?

Can you blame Capital for NOT wanting to work with people and groups, because apparently their own volunteers aren't even loyal!

How can you say you care about animals? What do YOU do? Obviously it's possible to get donations and start a non-profit shelter, so why don't YOU do that? Where's your contribution? What DO you do???

Capital transfers dogs from other shelters all the time. Maybe not everyone there is perfect, but the ones that care seem to care a lot! They wouldn't still exist if they were as horrible as you made them out to be. Why don't you get off your lazy ass and make a difference for the animals rather than bitch about something you can't or won't change?

God, you're really pathetic. No wonder YOU can't get any rescue work done in the community.

CapitalWatch said...

Hmmm.... and yet, still no reason from our friend for the empty cages.

Here's a note to everyone at Capital- until you give us real reasons that you can't fill your adoption floor cages you have no right to point the finger at other groups.

I mean, you can still continue to comment with nonsense, but that's all it is.

CapitalWatch said...

Oh yes, and we liked the line "...the ones that care seem to care a lot!"

That says it all.

Anonymous said...

Well it sounds as if a nerve was hit. Did it even enter your mind that the volunteers are not loyal because CAHS lies to the public and also their volunteers? Volunteers are told to not come in to walk dogs because there arent enough to walk? They walk down the halls in the back of the buiding and hear the crying and the barks of the dogs behind the closed doors. It must cross their minds that there are "Dogs in the building just not those that they are able to take out into the sunshine."
Each volunteer is asked to help at the fund raisers ie:we need money
or to donate cash,toys,
food or even a picnic table so that the staff has someplace to take their breaks.(At the same time the director and the kennel manager sit behind their solid cherry desks.) But you dont see any request to take dogs to events or to host events to increase adoption or exposure for the animals.(or to get them out of the building for the day)
It is about "give us stuff and if there is time fit the animals in." But doesnt our landscaping look good??
Gosh makes me wonder how many of the volunteers are there to check out what is truely going on behind the "transparent" walls of CAHS.
You can easily become a volunteer. Just go to a couple hour meeting.
Once inside those walls it doesnt take long to see the truth. If they are unable to brainwash you with the "we are doing wonderful work/our adoption rate is up/we are building relationships with rescue(most outside of Columbus where the truth of their work isnt known)etc.
I am still waiting to see the intake vs adopted numbers on their website as promised by the director last year.
Ill keep waiting.

Anonymous said...

Gail, why don't you just quit and stop criticizing the donated office furniture?

truthb.told said...

so, let's actually think about the empty cages instead of reacting to them.
there is one room in the shelter that is always half empty on purpose. each animal is given two cages as an experiment in disease control. the other empty cages are there because animals are getting adopted. the animals require a lot of specialized care before they are adoptable. how on earth can that be done immediately? would you care to volunteer to medically process the animals instead of being so negative? being so negative doesn't help. lead by example faceless cowards. you're like a really juvenile fox news. aren't you just as capable as capital to obtain funding and a large volunteer force?

CapitalWatch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CapitalWatch said...

Like we have been saying all along Capital- you're done shoving that "disease control" BS down our throats. Experimenting? Give me a break!! This cage space has been wasted for years and years. Remember that you are speaking to seasoned, intelligent rescue professionals who know that Capital just has diarrhea of the mouth when it comes to their excuses for the WASTE OF SPACE. Contrary to what your executives think, or what they tell you, or what you have told yourselves, this blog and website were put up by progressive rescuers in Columbus that have seen that lives can be saved when big organizations stop making excuses and start saving lives. Jodi and Rachel with their ridiculous justifications for killing behind their cherrywood desks have become the biggest laughingstock in rescue. The sad part is that animals are dying because of their ineptitude.

Anonymous said...

I am currently a volunteer at the shelter. I agree fully with what truthb.told says about the empty cages. When I ask employees about the empty cages, they say that it’s either because (i) many cats were recently adopted or (ii) there is a long process before cats can be put on the adoption floor (spay/neutering sometimes, vaccinations, etc.). I think that’s totally understandable. I am appalled by how upset people are about CAHS. I have to admit that my head is being filled with so many thoughts and I don’t know what to believe. I have never personally experienced anything bad going on at the shelter, but that’s not to say that nothing bad is going on. Maybe I am blind!

I receive weekly e-mails about fundraising events and I attend many of them. Volunteers take dogs and other animals to events all the time, so you are very wrong about that. I also get e-mails asking volunteers to adopt certain cats who have recurring illness from being at a shelter. From my knowledge, someone always adopts them! There is one instance I’d like to share with you also. There was a cat named Eli at the shelter and I made it known to everyone working there that I would adopt him if he was there much longer (he had been there since he was a kitten and was going on 1 year old). I absolutely loved Eli--and apparently so did the staff. I went in one day and he was not in his cage, so I asked someone about him. It turns out he was in Medical because he had knee surgery. Knee surgery. Now, if CAHS is as volatile as you claim they are, why wouldn’t they just club him over the head rather than spending the $$ to perform surgery? I know, this is only one incident I can vouch for and you will probably tear my post apart. Continue to talk about Jodi and her cherrywood desk. Frankly, I’m sick of hearing about her desk--who cares? That is so minimal in the grand scheme of things.

Also--as a volunteer, I do not remember signing a document that says I am not allowed to talk about what goes on in the shelter...

Anonymous said...

I am currently a volunteer at the shelter. I agree fully with what truthb.told says about the empty cages. When I ask employees about the empty cages, they say that it’s either because (i) many cats were recently adopted or (ii) there is a long process before cats can be put on the adoption floor (spay/neutering sometimes, vaccinations, etc.). I think that’s totally understandable. I am appalled by how upset people are about CAHS. I have to admit that my head is being filled with so many thoughts and I don’t know what to believe. I have never personally experienced anything bad going on at the shelter, but that’s not to say that nothing bad is going on. Maybe I am blind!

I receive weekly e-mails about fundraising events and I attend many of them. Volunteers take dogs and other animals to events all the time, so you are very wrong about that. I also get e-mails asking volunteers to adopt certain cats who have recurring illness from being at a shelter. From my knowledge, someone always adopts them! There is one instance I’d like to share with you also. There was a cat named Eli at the shelter and I made it known to everyone working there that I would adopt him if he was there much longer (he had been there since he was a kitten and was going on 1 year old). I absolutely loved Eli--and apparently so did the staff. I went in one day and he was not in his cage, so I asked someone about him. It turns out he was in Medical because he had knee surgery. Knee surgery. Now, if CAHS is as volatile as you claim they are, why wouldn’t they just club him over the head rather than spending the $$ to perform surgery? I know, this is only one incident I can vouch for and you will probably tear my post apart. Continue to talk about Jodi and her cherrywood desk. Frankly, I’m sick of hearing about her desk--who cares? That is so minimal in the grand scheme of things.

Also, as a volunteer, I do not remember signing a document saying that I am not allowed to talk about anything going on at the shelter...