Monday, December 1, 2008


For everyone who voted that 85% is the best we can do, please watch this slideshow put together by the Columbus Disptach about the Capital Area Humane Society narrated by Jodi Lytle Bucman. Then come back here and rant and rave about how we're doing the best we can by these little guys.

1 comment:

Dayna said...

I remember when I had to make the decision to have my Natasha put to sleep (kidney failure). It was done quietly and she simply difted peacefully off to sleep forever.

These images tell the truth about the lack of compassion and care at CAHS. These helpless little creatures are held up in the air and needles stuck in their stomachs like they are just ragdolls. What a horrific way for any creature to die. I understand that it takes much longer for them to die because it takes longer for the medication to get through their systems and it is extremely painful...HARDLY humane. As far as I'm concerned these images clearly demonstrate the LACK of humanity at CAHS.

These practices are completely unacceptable. So to all of the people who write checks to this group...stop. Simply stop. Insist on resignations and allow the people who already know how shelters should really be run to step in and turn this facility into a REAL animal shelter, that is devoted to the animals, not pretty furniture and landscaping with signs in the front yard telling people to keep their animals off of that utterly absurd even that small item is. It's an ANIMAL shelter, folks. But one would never know that the animals are getting any consideration at all here.

I have never been so disgusted with a group of people taking such abundant resources and wasting them on everything but what they are supposed to be there for...the animals.

To the Board: You need to fix this. You need to fix this NOW. Don't sit back in your nice offices and say you are too busy or listen to the excuses from Jodie. The blood of that 85% kill rate is directly on your hands, so get off of your chairs, get yourselved into an emergency meeting...and get people into YOUR facility you can be proud of. And do it now.

I would never allow people working for me to manage anything so poorly, because they make everyone look bad...they would have been fired and on the street looking for another yesterday.

So find an evening on your calendars, clear whatever superficial social event you may have already scheduled...and show this community what YOU are made of. Your silence will only tell us you don't care...fix this now, people. It's not rocket science, but you must find your compassion and backbone. Just do it.