Sunday, December 21, 2008

Dispatch Shame

Circling the wagons... someone said to us would be Capital Area's defense for their actions when this website first went up. Today the Columbus Disgrace-er, Dispatch- ran a story on the Franklin County Dog Shelter's problems which included, among other things, director Lisa Wahoff's personal relationships. Screaming out on the front page: NOT FIT FOR DOGS.

Rita Wolfe-let's see a front page story about staff finding kittens who have frozen to death in the sick rooms of Capital Area because their heating system goes unfixed. (True reports- though no photographic evidence which is why we haven't mentioned it yet. One of our insiders actually had to thaw a dead kitten from it's cage with a hair dryer when water from it's bowl froze it to the stainless steel.)

Meanwhile a few pages back, they again make themselves look like the rag that they are with their line-item "Pets" classified that boasts puppies just in time for Christmas. Didn't some editor of Barbara Carmen's question running a story of how overcrowded the dog shelter is when they clearly help to facilitate the overpopulation problem?

The Columbus Disgrace- we're counting the days until you go the way of the Detroit newspapers.


Anonymous said...

When did the freezing incident occur? Can the witness identify the shelter and veterinary staff who were working then, ie the specific responsible individuals?


Anonymous said...

Needless to say I'm done with The Dispatch. This is one article too many that is biased and full of bull. I'm cancelling my subscription today. Funny that this shelter experiences what all shelters do, yet the picture that is painted is very different, even attacking this woman's personal life.

Everyone I have talked with, even people unaware of CAHS's issues felt that the article was very poorly written and obviously a personal attack on the director there. It was that transparent, and such an embarassment to this town...much like CAHS is an embarassment to this town.

Here's a simple concept: Let's call it the "Changing of the Guard". Imagine this - with all of the donations CAHS gets, along with the potential of the facility and grounds...and bring back the volunteers that really CARE about the animals....let's see about a "Changing of the Guard" and a "No Kill" policy. I can't imagine how fast volunteers would come running back and would be willing to give so much because they are once again...saving the animals. So simple: square footage, good donations, volunteers who contribute to making the place run better...and "no kill".

Imagine THIS: Cooperation with the other shelters in the state and sharing of resources (i.e. carriers, food, ideas) other shelters can lower their kill rates, too. What a wonderful role model CAHS could be...but we need to clean house here....kittens frozen to water bowls? You've got to be kidding me...there's no excuse in the book for that's simply legalized animal abuse.

Changing of the Guard - step one (are you listening, board members).

No Kill - step two (board members - something to be proud to be part of).

Past Volunteers "we want your ideas and your hearts to help us" - the last and most important step.

Three steps - animals saved and a community saved at the same time. It's a win-win.

Jodie - you're in the wrong job. Go work for a PR firm. You certainly seem to be able to snow the money people in this town. That's a skill set, believe me...just not one that should be around animals. Take your talents where they are a better fit.

Anonymous said...

I long for a day when CAHS is returned to the volunteers that truly care about the animals and works with rescues! Step One needs to happen very soon!

Anonymous said...

Step One needs to happen immediately! I got chills as I read the post from 12/23. What a great day that will be when the CAHS is returned to the volunteers that care and the rescues are welcome!

CapitalWatch said...

Maggie- the responsible individuals are Jodi and her cronies for not having the heating system running in intake. Frozen kittens are not a freak thing at Capital and the executive staff are well aware of the heating problem in the kennel areas.

darla said...

the animals aren't kept in intake. they are in the rooms full of cages. how would the heating system from a different part of the building cause a kitten to freeze in another? if you had actual facts, you could provide the names of medical and other responsible staff. gossip is for the ignorant.
if capital became a no kill shelter how would they allow EVERY animal in? what would people do with the remaining animals once all the cages are full? is it better to face a certain, and likely gruesome death on the streets or maybe having to die peacefully at the shelter?