Saturday, March 28, 2009

Invisible cats and dogs

I am convinced that Capital Area is marketing some kind of "invisible cat" or "invisible dog". Ha ha like those funny amusement park things that you can get.

Levity, in a moment that is so seriously sad.

Alright Jodi and Rachel, WHAT IN THE WORLD IS UP WITH THOSE EMPTY CAGES? Pictures taken just LAST SATURDAY show that 75% of the adoption floor cages are empty. And what is up with the e-mail to the volunteers about the dog walkers? I quote exactly an e-mail from the volunteer coordinator of Capital...

" I wanted to bring up the subject of too many Walkers and not enough dogs, which has been happening on weekends lately."

OK how about sending one of your 7 vans over to Franklin County and getting some of the 1,300 dogs before they were killed? Systematic euthanasia has been their policy since your buddy Barbara Carmen stomped their efforts into the ground. Check out the numbers at

Can you explain to the public why you have empty dog runs and too many walkers yet the dogs in your own county are dying by the hundreds??

Empty cages on the adoption floor have always been the most obvious indicator that Capital Area Humane Society is a collective failure. They have always tried to tell us "they're empty for cleaning" or "it's disease control". The thing is that these cages are ALWAYS EMPTY, every day, during open hours, or in the middle of a busy Saturday afternoon. The back is stacked with animals waiting to die while you continue to make excuses for your inadequacy as a humane organization.

What else is there to say? People who know the truth and walk through your adoption floor just shake their heads at the incompetence.